I spent most of Thursday in Rhode Island, at Pearson Composites (Alerion Express), CCFC (new J/95 builder for J/Boats), and US Watercraft/Waterline Systems (J/22, J/24, J/105). It is always very rewarding to go to the factory and get some hands-on time with boats that are in production. It is the best way to get first-hand product knowledge, and very enlightening for clients as well.
Most of the time was spent at CCFC where Rod, Al and Jeff Johnstone discussed the new J/95, a keel/centerboard boat will draw only 3' with the board up (5'5" board down). It is another big innovation from J/Boats at a time when innovation is the only thing selling boats, and I think it will be a winner. Now sailors in thin-water venues like Barnegat Bay can enjoy J/Boat performance.
Most of the J/Boat dealers from the eastern US were in attendance, which means I was in a roomful of yacht brokers. As usual, I was about 20 years younger than the average broker.
J/95 cockpit and deck, just out of the mold
J/95 bow - notice the new engineering that will conceal the retractable sprit when not in use
Joe DaPonte from CCFC, new builder for the J/95 (he's holding a rudder)
Centerboard trunk for the J/95
CCFC - a very clean custom-built facility
Jeff Johnstone and the J/95 hull mold
An Alerion Express 33 with furniture being installed.
Alerion Express 28, ready for engine installation
The first person to correctly identify this mold wins a pony!
The America's Cup in Barcelona
2 months ago